- Sündmus sündmus on möödas
Kutse Dr Kenneth Vella loengusse
19. sept. kell 12:00–12:40
Ootame teid kuulama Dr Kenneth Vella loengut “How to create a Professional Learning Community” . Loeng toimub Tallinna Teeninduskoolis, 19. september, kell 12.00-12.40, B215. Oma loengus keskendub Dr Vella õppimise ja õpetamise mõtestamisele tänapäeva muutuvas maailmas. Mis mõjutab õpetajate koostööd ja kuidas luua õpilaste tõhusat õppimist toetav õpikeskkond. Samuti toob ta näiteid Malta haridussüsteemis saadud kogemustest.
Loeng on inglise keeles.
Palun andke oma osalemissoovist teada SIIN kuni 17.septembrini.
Dr Kenneth Vella attended Marsa Primary State School, Junior Lyceum Liceo Vassalli tal-Handaq, Gian Frangisk Abela Upper Lyceum and the University of Malta. In 1996, Vella graduated with a Bachelor of Education Honours degree from the University of Malta. In 2005, obtained a Post Graduate Diploma in Educational Administration and Management and in 2008 a Masters in Educational Leadership, both from the University of Malta. Vella continued with his studies at the University of Lincoln in England from where he obtained a Doctorate in Educational Leadership, Research and Development in 2015. In July 2019, Vella was appointed Chairman of the Quality Assurance Committee within the Malta Further and Higher Education Authority and today, he is also the deputy vice chairman of the board. Presently he is also the Principal of Mater Boni Consilii St Joseph School Paola and the Non-Resident Ambassador of Malta to Estonia and Finland.
To participate in the lecture, please fill out the form HERE until September 17.